Horse Racing

Facebook is a secondary, not primary, news source

Gregg Doyel of has made a crusade against Twitter, and I cannot say I blame him. What is Twitter other than 140 characters of bumbling idiocy masquerading as “tweets?”

Okay, I have a Twitter account, or had, not sure anymore. I beat the fad by six months because a friend asked me to set up an account. I never used it. I’m not a hypocrite.

But for all Twitter is, it serves its purposes. It promotes news sources and the like, and blah, blah, blah.

MLB General

Gaming Congress- Yanks Could Strike Out

At a time when NYC and NY state are both eliminating important public services due to budget shortfalls, as are many states across the country, it  is incumbent for taxpayers to know far more comprehensively the machinations of the public financing of its stadiums.

MLB General

NYC and Yankees Redfine Crookery

It was revealed that NYC on behalf of the NY Yankees, is seeking relief from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to receive a special waiver from a law that the IRS amended in 2006 concerning the amount of tax-exempt bonds that may be allotted for the public financing of sports stadium facilities. And any net gains will come at the expense of taxpayers.

MLB General

MLB Given Pass By Feds

By Diane M. Grassi

But MLB has not learned much in the past couple of decades when it comes to the integrity of the game, in obeying the law and in protecting the best interests of its athletes, its most precious commodity.