
SEC Investigation Casts Cloud Over Sunny Miami Marlins

By Diane M. Grassi

When we think of Miami, Florida, it immediately brings to mind sunshine. Yet even sun seekers might be surprised that it has taken federal Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) subpoenas to shed any type of daylight upon Major League Baseball’s Miami Marlins and their financing deal for their soon-to-open brand new stadium, on April 4, 2012, and presently called Marlins Park.

MLB General

MLB No Longer Recession-Proof

What MLB did not foresee, much like its compatriots on Wall Street who bought up valueless mortgages, and pimped them off as viable commodities, was that such actions would have such a deleterious impact on their baseball revenues come next season, just a few months from now.

MLB General

Gaming Congress- Yanks Could Strike Out

At a time when NYC and NY state are both eliminating important public services due to budget shortfalls, as are many states across the country, it  is incumbent for taxpayers to know far more comprehensively the machinations of the public financing of its stadiums.