

By Diane M. Grassi

The phrase, the ‘Best Interests of Baseball’ connotes a type of exclusive legislative decision emanating from a wide-ranging power presiding over the game of professional baseball; bequeathed upon its commissioner.

MLB General

MLB’s New HGH Test More Smoke and Mirrors

By Diane M. Grassi

Major League Baseball’s (MLB) latest feat of extended “labor peace” with the Major League Players Association (MLBPA) was reached on November 22, 2011.

And in this latest Basic Agreement between the parties, which will run five years in duration and expire on December 1, 2016, MLB has apparently won out in its attempt to curb illicit use of human growth hormone (HGH), by its players. However, such a test could prove to be little more than a charade, as it stands now.

MLB General

MLB Files Suit On Manner of Exposed Finances


By Diane M. Grassi

Major League Baseball (MLB) should be enjoying the fruits of an above average 2011 post-season performance, which will be crucial to the impending expiration of its Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) on December 31, 2011.

MLB General

MLB Presumes Labor Peace In Approaching Off-Season

By Diane M. Grassi

As we enter the final weeks of the 2011 Major League Baseball (MLB) season, unlike other impending off seasons in recent years, this will be of the collective bargaining kind.

NFL General

NFL, Retirees Remain In Tussle on Benefits

By Diane M. Grassi


Super Bowl XLIII was no better a reminder as to why so many Americans have made the National Football League (NFL) the king when it comes to the most watched professional sports league in the United States. And it is no coincidence that it continually is rated the favorite of sports fans in poll after poll. Additionally, the NFL also has bragging rights when it comes to yearly revenue, expected to be about $8 billion for the 2008 season as compared to Major League Baseball’s nearly $7 billion annually.


And there is perhaps no better time to remember those who made it possible for the NFL’s owners and players today to be able to revel in its continued success, by virtue of the players who helped to build the league.


For the past couple of years, it has become public knowledge that a select group of retired NFL players have been struggling physically and economically since putting their playing days behind them. It is a serious matter, covering a complex and vast number of interrelated issues, rife with conflicts of interest.