General Sports

August 13 2009 episode of Poor Man’s PTI

We discuss Rick Pitino, the Eagles signing Mike Vick and unrequited rivalries. You can download this week’s podcast directly (running time 90 mins) or subscribe to the feed. If you use iTunes, just click here and then click subscribe and iTunes will take care of the rest. This week’s topics include:

  • Even Turtle thinks Tom Brady sucks balls
  • Rick Pitino’s loose morals
  • Unrequited rivalries
  • Eagles sign Vick
  • Bronson Arroyo is insane

Trivia Question of the week: Tom Glavine had 682 games in career without ever coming out of the bullpen. Who holds the record for most starts before his first career relief appearance.

NFL General

The Vick Quandary

Get this. Michael Vick, a superstar quarterback in the National Football League, pulling down an obscene amount of coin to play a game he probably loves, could lose his career because he made sport of watching dogs kill, and die. Good fun for deranged folk. Maybe I’m a hard judge. I never understood the appeal of blowing a deer’s brains out, either.

This whole saga becomes more incredibly warped as the days bleed away. Vick was becoming the face of an unstoppable corporate monster that has no parallel in American sport. He was on the cover of videogames, shouted out in rap songs. He was a celebrity nationwide, but an icon in Atlanta, a virtual deity to a community ready to elevate a new hero, all their own. He was obsessed over. Could he ever master the west coast offense? Would the Falcons provide him with a true number one receiver? This was important business, the evaluation of a prodigy. Now, he is a problem. For fans, for journalists, for the league he starred for. And he isn’t going away.