MLB General

In-Debted MLB Owners Welcome Back Bud!

By Diane M. Grassi

And debt is the key word here, as MLB (Major League Baseball) team owners handed current MLB Commissioner, Bud Selig, an extension to his present contract by adding another 2 years.

Bud Selig had hoped to ride off into the sunset after the completion of this coming 2012 baseball season, when his most recent contract was to expire.

MLB General

The Apple of MLB’s Eye


By Diane M. Grassi

“Somebody’s property being seized was un-American. There are core values in this country and fairness is one of them…..I think everyone deserves a second chance.”

                                    – Los Angeles Dodgers owner, Frank McCourt (April 2011)

So – is Major League Baseball (MLB) still as American as apple pie? It largely depends upon its commissioner’s preferences at the time, who serves at the behest of MLB’s 30 team owners.

The question needs to be asked as to whether the presiding Commissioner of MLB, Bud Selig, makes such major decisions such as on team ownership based upon sound business acumen or subjective reasoning influenced by his personal relationships, such as with specific MLB team owners or individuals who potentially could become owners.