With the trade deadline roughly a month-and-a-half away, the rumor floodgates will soon open up. As contenders scramble for starting pitchers, left-handed relievers, and another bat, basement-dwellers become sellers, pawning off their more expensive talent to the highest bidder. It’s a fun time of year.
As a lifelong Red Sox fan, I’ve been fortunate enough to see them in contention most years and July 31st is an important day. Jeff Suppan, Scott Sauerbeck (or “Sauer-suck” as he was known as in these parts), Byung-hyun Kim, Cliff Floyd, Ed Sprague, and Larry Anderson have all donned the Sox uniform through mid-season deals. Boy, we have a lot to show for it too.
So, with the deadline fast approaching, here are five deals that I would love to see happen over the next month-and-a-half…