MLB General

Let’s Make A Deal

With the trade deadline roughly a month-and-a-half away, the rumor floodgates will soon open up.  As contenders scramble for starting pitchers, left-handed relievers, and another bat, basement-dwellers become sellers, pawning off their more expensive talent to the highest bidder.  It’s a fun time of year.  

As a lifelong Red Sox fan, I’ve been fortunate enough to see them in contention most years and July 31st is an important day.  Jeff Suppan, Scott Sauerbeck (or “Sauer-suck” as he was known as in these parts), Byung-hyun Kim, Cliff Floyd, Ed Sprague, and Larry Anderson have all donned the Sox uniform through mid-season deals.  Boy, we have a lot to show for it too.  

So, with the deadline fast approaching, here are five deals that I would love to see happen over the next month-and-a-half…

MLB General

My Ode to Junior

With Ken Griffey, Jr. having hit his 499th career home run on Sunday, I have no choice but to remember the Junior I knew. As a thirteen-year-old Yankees fan I was beginning my obsession for the game at the same time that Griffey was at the pinnacle of his career. He was dominant, fan-friendly, and most of all Yankees fans hated him. That wasn’t just caused by his aptitude for breaking the Yankees (or in that case any team’s) back, but a childhood incident when he was asked to leave the field by the Boss George Steinbrenner himself during his father’s tenure with the club. Despite all this, however, I today found myself being as much a supporter of Griffey as one of the players on my favorite club.

MLB General

Give Bonds a Break

Plop! A fish floats up sideways to the top of the water. Barry Bonds has just swatted his 661st homerun passing Willie Mays for third all time. He also took the life away from one unlucky fish all in one swing.

With rumors swirling about Bonds’ probable steroid use, he continues to play above anything conceivable.  He nearly had a 9 game home run streak.  Forget about DiMaggio’s 56 game hit streak, a 9 game home run streak defines unbreakable!  Most aspire to hit .300, while he is hitting close to .500.

MLB General

What’s in the beer in Chicago?

Can we officially designate Chicago fans as the worst in the country?  Last night, this mensa member on your right ran onto the field and attacked an umpire.  This is on the heels of an incident at the same ballpark last year where a father and son duo attacked the Royals first base coach.  Look, we all want to yell and kick dirt on umpires from time to time but we don’t attack them!