A 2-year old rap called “If that Ho only knew” created by some Miami
football players recently surfaced on the internet, much to the
chagrin of the Univesity of Miami Athletic Director. The group
called themselves the 7th Floor Crew and recorded a rap that degraded
women and minorities. This rap isn’t your average explicit rap song,
this is an expletive-filled rap that lasts for 9 minutes. (See the
end of this article for the download) One of the biggest problems of
this ordeal is the fact that it has come from Miami, a school
struggling to recover from their image of out of control “student”-
athletes. The release of this rap song certainly is another black
mark on their athletic program.Larry Coker didn’t really inherit a very respectable football team.
Miami had a repuation for being filled with thugs and “gangstas”
which didn’t sit too well with America. Fixing Miami was a task that
would be very overwhelming for any coach in America, not to mention
pressure filled. The graduation rate was one of the lowest in the
country which was a major concern of the NCAA. Coker took on the task
of bringing Miami back to respectability.
Players of Ed Reed and Ray Lewis’ generation were mainly categorized
as thugs. Miami had talented teams that were marred by the trouble
that they tended to cause on and off the field. Every time a news
report came out implicating a Miami player or alum in one unfortunate
circumstance after another, critics were quick to point out that the
stereotypes about Miami’s football teams were true.
But as time went on, Miami began to change. Larry Coker began to
recruit players that were not only well disciplined but well
respected. Miami was still winning football games and their
reputation started to change for the better. Although players like
Sean Taylor still got in trouble, the Miami Athletic Director and
Larry Coker could be proud that they were beginning to bring the
football program to respectability.
But once again, the gun is put back in the naysayers’ hands, cocked
and loaded. This rap is a perfect example of the stereotype that
Miami players were given years ago. This isn’t just any old rap. If
you haven’t heard it, it’s bad. People who have heard the song shake
their heads and just laugh – same old Miami.
The rap talks mainly about gangbanging and group sex. In the song,
the players drop 29 F-bombs, 15 references to hos and 18 to bitches.
The rap just shows that whether these players are from past or
present, they don’t care about the image of Miami U. football. And if
they did, you’d wonder if they would take a second to think, “What
the hell are we doing?”
Of course college kids will be college kids but this goes way past
the concept of just having fun. The actions of these kids is
indicative of their character. The bulk of us have done stupid things
in our life that may have had big consequences but nothing of this
sort. These kids jeopardized their university’s credibility and
theirs along with it.
The Miami administration is looking in to this whole problem, trying
to find guilty parties while battling the sick feeling in their
stomachs. First, they have to find who was involved in this
situation. One player who is definitely involved is linebacker
Tavares Gooden who made a reference to his number in the rap (which
ironically, is quite clever). As the dominoes begin to fall, you can
bet on suspensions for everyone involved.
I have to say it must be a sad day in Coral Gables. The black eye
that Miami has suffered for a long time was finally healing and now,
Miami just got punched in the face. An 8 minute and 44 second rap may
destroy all the work that has been done by the Miami administration
for the last 5 years. Some people will think barely anything of this
yet the critics have come back with a vengeance.
Unfortunately for an 8-1 Miami football team who could be contending
for an ACC title, this could be the most talked about part of their
season. Not only is this a problem for the Paul Dee, the athletic
director, but it could be a problem for the Miami football team. The
controversy could be distracting a talented Miami team from reaching
their ultimate goal. What could be the most devastating is the fact
that there are respectable players on Miami that could be unfairly
denigrated by the fallout from this incident.
This lewd rap song is bound to be talked about more and more as the
week goes on. Whether the students responsible have moved on or are
still there, the rap could hurt Miami in the future. Hopefully this
behavior will not be tolerated by anyone affiliated with Miami
University. The numb fun of some Miami players should be
ashamed of themselves. Although possibly funny the first time you
hear this, you realize how juvenile and misguided it really is. It
should be interesting to see where this goes from here but I think it
is definitely a time for students and adminstrators alike to call for
a return to decorum and decency in south Florida.
The 9 minute hurricane rap song can be downloaded here. Warning! explicit lyrics.
3 replies on “If Your Athletic Director Only Knew…”
Dude….. Good article, but please check over your spelling.
You mispelled “which”. You left out commas where they should have been and placed them occasionally where they should not have been.
Also, you skipped six years of UM history. Did Butch Davis not attempt to clean up the program? You can’t give Coker all the credit!!!
But clean up the grammar mistakes and I’ll reconsider.
Also, try to use pronouns instead of “the rap song” or “the rap”. It gets redundant and makes it hard to read at points.
But nice article. I call dibs on rebutting it and defending the song.
I fixed… the which but other than that I can’t see where else I left out commas or should have put commas. I had someone else edit it to so I’m sure one of us would have caught them if that was the case. If you see something, tell me specifically what it is. Thanks for the input though.
sorry i voted abstain I used my other nickname, “garbage”, which I created a while ago to keep things at 0, to counteract my abstain.
Just me being hyper-cynical….