College Basketball

Life After Bobby

September 10, 2000 – The gloomy weather in Bloomington, Ind. on that fall day could have been considered a bad omen. Every Hoosier’s worst nightmare was occurring in the swampy marsh of Dunn Meadow. Robert Montgomery Knight, the General, was giving his farewell speech to a group of angst-ridden and drenched student protesters. He did it in classic Bobby Knight fashion, but the day was far too sad to ponder such a triviality. What was to become of Indiana University basketball?

This was our nightmare.

College Football

Heisman Watch 1st Edition

Well I’m back and here with your Heisman watch 2006. I wanted to wait a few weeks into the season to let all the contenders show their stuff as well as some sleepers and I wanted to do it yesterday but was busy. Not only is this first edition of the Heisman Watch for ’06 but this is my first article in awhile and it’s about time. So here it is the Heisman Watch 1st edition ’06.

College Football

Heisman Watch Special Edition

Well the time is finally upon us. The regular season is over and the bowl season is just around the corner. But before that, the individual performance awards will be given out. The most prestigious of the awards, the Heisman Trophy, will be given out on Monday. I have followed the performances of many of the best college football players and have come to a decision on who should receive the Heisman Trophy.

College Football

Heisman Watch 12th Edition

The season is coming to a close and the Heisman hype is growing with each passing day. There is some movement in the Heisman Watch and it’s almost time for my season ending special edition article. This should be fun.

College Football

Heisman Watch 10th Edition

The window of opportunity is closing for these Heisman candidates to show what they are really made of. Season is coming to a close and these exciting games could be the defining factor on the person winning the Heisman. So these last couple weeks are more important than ever for Heisman candidates trying to get a chance to hoist the Heisman.

College Football

If Your Athletic Director Only Knew…

A 2-year old rap called “If that Ho only knew” created by some Miami
football players recently surfaced on the internet, much to the
chagrin of the Univesity of Miami Athletic Director.  The group
called themselves the 7th Floor Crew and recorded a rap that degraded
women and minorities. This rap isn’t your average explicit rap song,
this is an expletive-filled rap that lasts for 9 minutes. (See the
end of this article for the download) One of the biggest problems of
this ordeal is the fact that it has come from Miami, a school
struggling to recover from their image of out of control “student”-
athletes.  The release of this rap song certainly is another black
mark on their athletic program.

College Football

Heisman Watch 9th Edition

The Heisman race is getting bigger than ever. The top candidates are going to have to do everything in their ability to play amazing. The front-runners are getting more and more coverage and as the season comes down the back stretch, we could be watching one of the best Heisman races in recent history.

College Football

Heisman Watch 8th Edition

For Heisman candidates these are the most meaningful games of the season. The ones towards the end of the year where you have to give it all you got. Many of the Heisman contenders are making strides and showing why they should be hoisting the hardware at the end of the season.

College Football

Heisman Watch 7th Edition

The Heisman race is as close as ever. Many of the candidates are playing their hearts out and putting up big numbers. This could be one of the best Heisman races in recent history.

College Football

Heisman Watch 6th Edition

The race for the Heisman race is heating up. Many people are getting on bandwagons and watching closely at these players every move. This is when it really counts and Heisman candidates are really going to have to show their best to convince voters that they should be the ones hoisting the Heisman.