
Umpire Woes Will Rest With MLB Operations

By Diane M. Grassi

As we embrace the initial games of the 2009 Fall Classic, otherwise known as the World Series, brought to you by Major League Baseball (MLB). Historically, it will be the latest start ever for a World Series, commencing October 28, 2009 and to possibly conclude as late as November 5, 2009, should a Game 7 be necessary.

But let us not digress, as there are more problems which should keep the minds of the brain trust of Major League Baseball, Inc. occupied, after a horrid conclusion, in the umpiring department, during the 2009 American League Division Series (ALDS), the National League Division Series (NLDS), the American League Championship Series (ALCS) as well as the National League Championship Series (NLCS).

MLB General

MLB Suffers No Lack of Hypocrisy

How MLB differs in the late 20th and early 21st centuries from its historic past, is by virtue of its yearly multi-billion dollar revenues it now enjoys, enabling it more unilateral power over the game of baseball in spite  of the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) and the World Umpires Association (WUA) with which it must collectively bargain.