General Sports

Cleveland’s Got Nothin’ On Me

Hi, my name is JDWC and I’m addicted to sports. I was hooked from birth, because my father is an addict too. Like him, my drugs of choice are the Dodgers, the 49ers and the Oakland A’s. But, like most addicts and sons, I pledged to be better, to be more. So I surpassed my father…I became a basketball fan and chose the most depressing depressant known to man: the Golden State Warriors. The high school years were a brief, four-step recovery program. I graduated from the program in 2007, proclaimed clean and cured!

Alas, tragedy struck again. I was thrust into the real world and sent up to Pullman, WA to educate myself in the arts of Journalism and Creative Writing. From the first time I tasted Washington State University football, I was hooked again. Years passed and I drifted back into my addictive haze. Over the last week, I have hit rock bottom. If only I had chosen St. Louis. New York. Boston. Even Seattle. Instead, I got what I deserved. My teams have taken years from my life I will never get back. This is the uncut, untold story of my struggles:

Golden State Warriors

I, Spy

 In recent weeks, the Warriors have come under fire from the media and fans alike, after one of their employees admitted to posing as a season ticket holder on internet message boards. The team has been ridiculed not only for their duplicity, but for their inability to execute successfully

execute such a simple plan.


Rather than lampoon the team as so many others have done, I decided to seek some retribution. One afternoon last week, armed with nothing but a smile and a fake identity, I sought to give the team a taste of their own medicine. This is the tale of how I infiltrated the Warriors organization.

Golden State Warriors

Trouble for the Warriors

The 2007-08 season has just begun and the Golden State Warriors appear to be in trouble. They had an amazing run in last years playoffs upsetting the first seeded Dallas Mavericks in the first round and losing in a shootout with the Utah Jazz in the Western Conference Semifinals. The tumultuous playoff run looked like a set up for another good season for the Warriors, but some things didn’t work out too well in the off-season, which has led to a winless first opening week for the Warriors.

NBA General

Extensive NBA Playoff Preview

By David J. Cohen

It’s time for the NBA playoffs. This year is especially good, with storylines all over the place. I can’t remember a playoff year in the NBA with so much intrigue in the opening round.

Here’s how the Eastern Conference should play out.